Outback Curved Roof Verandahs
The contemporary form of the outback Curved roof Verandah, Patio or Carport will add value and impart a sense of style and sophistication to your home. The smooth, clean lines of the curved roof form a graceful canopy over any outdoor area.
The curved roof can span up to 6.6 metres wide in both Multispan and Clearspan designs. it is available as a unit attached to the home. When combined with flat roof or pergola sections it becomes part of a system, with the elegant curved roof forming the central feature of the design. outback rooflites are also available to supply natural filtered light when outback deck is used in Clearspan designs.
the outback Multispan Curved roof has purlins that are placed over the rafters in the roof. this supports your choice of cladding; smooth outback deck, light and airy polycarbonate, or classic corrugated steel.
the outback Clearspan Curved roof minimises beams and rafters through the use of outback deck. outback deck is a very strong material that does not need extra purlins to support it. this leaves the roof area clean and uncluttered with a ceiling like appearance from beneath.
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